A Pietro Rosa TBM Company

Certifications & Approvals

An extensive list of approvals by industry-leading Original Equipment Manufacturers, NEAP holds a number of industry certifications including AS 9100 Rev. D, ISO 9001:2015, and NADCAP certification.


An extensive list of approvals by industry leading Original Equipment Manufacturers, the site holds a number of industry certifications including AS 9100 Rev. D, ISO 9001:2015, and NADCAP certification.

The following links show the quality approvals and certifications have been secured by New England Airfoil Products, Inc. for:

 ISO 9001:2015AS 9100 Rev D

ISO 14001:2015

– NADCAP (pending)

New England Airfoil Products, Inc. is ITAR compliant and conforms to the necessary regulatory controls and is registered with the directorate of defence trade controls (DDTC).


Customer Approvals

New England Airfoil Products, Inc. has secured many Customer approvals by compliance with rigorous OEM required processes and controls.