Aerospace Component Manufactures (ACM) Trade show and Workforce fair
The ACM work fair and trade event was held at the Hartford Convention Centre with the attendance topping that of last year, during the morning session about 1000 students attended the fair, all hungry to gain an insight into what Aerospace manufacturing is all about. The level of questions was quite astounding, from “ what happens when a bird hits an engine in flight” to “when blades spin does the material stretch as the forces get bigger” both these and hundreds more questions were answered, hopefully encouraging the young people to pursue a career in our industry
The afternoon primarily focused on business-to-business networking as ACM member company’s hosted customers, partners and suppliers from the region and far beyond rendering a great opportunity to catch up on what’s going on.
Left to right – Max McIntyre (President ACM / Operations VP -NEAP) Governor Malloy, Clive Cunliffe Corporate Strategy and Communications Pietro Rosa Group.
A few different stations televised the event and Governor Malloy paid our stand a welcome visit chatting to those on the NEAP stand and a group of onlookers giving encouragement about the future on Manufacturing in the State of Connecticut.
A link to WITC news shows future workforce opportunities fair TV clips is found below:
Clicking below you can see a link to a TV interview by Fox 61 about the fair with ACM President Max McIntyre:
A link to WNPR radio interview be heard by clicking:
Our thanks go to the ACM for the organization of this event and the Convention center for making it a superb venue.
For further information please contact:
For further information e-mail:
Or telephone +18606771376 (Ext 3310)
About Pietro Rosa TBM
Pietro Rosa TBM is an international leading manufacturer of compressor airfoils and mission critical components in the energy, aerospace, oil & gas and marine markets. Pietro Rosa TBM has plants located in Europe and USA.
The group invests heavily in R&D and innovation and has built up its intellectual property in hot forming, machining and surface finishing technologies through a solid collaboration with universities and research centers globally.